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Administration Communication 09/09/2021

Dear Emmanuel Family,

Thank you for your cooperation with the implementation of the recent COVID-19 protocols. We had to react to several positive cases and subsequent contact tracing. Proactively, remote learning has served to protect us from further infections.

Emmanuel remains committed to limiting remote learning to specific grade levels affected. At the time, the grade levels affected for next week (9/13 - 9/17) are 3rd and 4th Grade.

Our plan for next week is to return TK - 12th Grades with the exception of 3rd and 4th graders, who will be on a remote learning plan due to classroom spread and exposure. Our goal is to isolate cases and students and only classrooms or grade levels, as opposed to a complete school remote option.

Below are the details for tomorrow’s Remote Learning Day:


  • Students will log into a Google Meet with their homeroom teachers at 8:00AM for attendance.

  • Students are expected to be actively engaged in their learning until 11:00AM. The teacher will have some form of live instruction that day, whether it be logged in together from 8:00AM - 11:00AM, or set times as determined by the teacher.

  • Teachers may give students assignments that are to be completed after 11:00AM.


  • We will operate on a regular schedule for Remote Learning. Introduction to Theatre and Health will meet via Google Meet during FLEX.

  • Teacher’s Aides do not need to log in during their TA period

  • Students are not required to log in for FLEX (except Introduction to Theatre and Health students) and study hall. However, this is a great time to watch the second half of the Chapel video and catch up on assignments. Students can watch the video HERE


See this content in the original post

Thank you,

Dan Moore, Building Principal
John Essig, Superintendent