Administration Communication - School Plans Week of November 30
Good afternoon,
We trust that you had a good Thanksgiving Break thus far. Thank you for participating in our surveys, the feedback has empowered our decision making. Several weeks ago, we looked forward to Thanksgiving and were confident in a full return to school after Thanksgiving Break. Unfortunately, having been affected by COVID-19 the past two weeks, we find ourselves in a difficult situation.
The biggest issue we are facing is distancing and contact tracing. The 16 confirmed cases of COVID-19 resulted with over 74 quarantined students and teachers. We are not in a position to bring back our entire student population without having significant contact tracing impact. With these considerations, all it takes is for another positive case or two and many could be impacted due to the Health Department’s contact tracing process and requirements.
Emmanuel’s goal is to have all our students in the building and continue on as “normal”, as our mission is to prepare students for their life calling in Christ. However, we also believe that we have a responsibility to make decisions that are best for our teachers, as well as our students. These decisions are difficult and not taken lightly. Below are the adjustments that we feel must be made at this time.
Dan Moore, Building Principal
John Essig, Superintendent
Due to the high impact of contact tracing ,administration has determined we will remain in a Remote Learning Mode from November 30 through December 4
Based on current information:
We cannot return our entire student population right now, and our only two choices are remote learning and hybrid learning modes.
We need to evaluate adding a hybrid learning mode to our existing in-class and remote modes
A hybrid model provides that students would be able to be in the building two times a week, whereas remote model does not allow for that option
A hybrid model also allows for students who need additional help to receive that help in a normal school setting
A hybrid model provides the opportunity to prevent Christmas Break quarantines and isolations while maintaining academic rigors.
Our next steps to carry out this plan are the following:
All students will be remote next week and follow the remote schedule schedule (11/30 - 12/4)
We will have teache rand staff meetings on Monday (11/30/20)
We will have a teacher workday and strategic meetings on Wednesday ( 12/2/20)
An additional short survey will be sent to parents. In that survey, parents will have the option to switch their child to remote to finish this semester and also submit their decision for 3rd quarter
During the week of 11/30 through 12/4, teachers and administration will be involved in the following:
Work on adjusting classrooms to increase distancing so that TK - 4 can return to the building (if at all possible) on December 7
Work on a plan that has all IEP students back in the building on December 7
5th/6th Grade will be meeting to discuss hybrid split as class sizes are too big to space appropriately
7th - 12th Grade will be meeting to discuss the viability for hybrid and class sizes
All the Clark County Health Department to review our revised plans.
Based on the current circumstances, we would like to test hybrid for the final two weeks of the semester (December 7th - 18th), if we can agree on a viable plan.
Our major concern is not just the spread of the virus, but the contact tracing which leads to quarantine
This will help us discover if hybrid is a viable option for a January return, if community spread is still high
Hybrid cuts the hallway traffic and classroom numbers, and provides additional lunchroom spacing
Hybrid reduces the number of students, enhancing enforcement of distancing and mask-wearing.
Play Practice: Will continue as scheduled
Notes: The Governor’s office and the OHSAA have intentionally refrained from shutting down athletics and have been clear that school learning modality does not constitute whether a school can continue to offer athletics.
We are permitted to be remote or hybrid and keep athletics going
WE will continue the strict protocols as deemed by the OHSAA and ODH
Band and Choir Concerts:
Remote and hybrid learning causes difficulty for these activities. We will be discussing alternatives for band and choir.
School Counselor:
Chris LeMaster is available to meet with you or your child either remotely or potentially at school on Thursdays
Email or to set up a meeting
Go to the home page at and scroll down to see our current COVID-19 stats