Open to any student entering K - 6th Grade for the 2025/2026 school year! (You do not need to attend ECA to participate)
Open to any student entering K - 6th Grade for the 2025/2026 school year! (You do not need to attend ECA to participate)
Open to any student entering K - 6th Grade for the 2025/2026 school year! (You do not need to attend ECA to participate)
Elementary Yearbooks for TK - 6th Grade are on sale NOW until March 21st! No extras will be ordered, so make sure you order yours.
TODAY’S DAILY DRESS UP: HOORAY FOR ECA! Let’s show your school spirit by dressing up for ECA! Dress up in your best ECA Lions costumes or using our school colors, purple and gold!
TODAY’S DAILY DRESS UP: CORE MEMORY DAY! Dress up like your favorite core memory as a child. Bonus Awesomeness! Bring a picture of you younger in that core memory!
The next ECA Athletic Boosters meeting will be Wednesday, March 19th at 6:00PM in the Conference Room. We would love to have additional parents, grandparents, graduates, etc. join us for one of our monthly meetings!
On Jeans & Joggers Day, students can pay $1 to wear jeans or $2 to wear their ECA joggers and wear this year's ECA Spirit Shirt.
TODAY’S DAILY DRESS UP: BOOK CHARACTER WITH BOOK DAY! Dress like your favorite book character & bring the book to school that matches your costume!
TODAY’S DAILY DRESS UP: “READING RAINBOW” DAY! Wear any appropriate shirt that goes with your class color. ECA pants or appropriate jeans may be worn
TODAY’S DAILY DRESS UP: INSIDE OUT CHARACTER! Dress up like your favorite character from Inside Out!
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Open Gym Volleyball sessions for incoming Junior High & High School girls!
At Taste of the Arts, you can visit our musical open house in classrooms to hear solos or small ensembles, and walk around to explore and vote for our students' art work being displayed, while enjoying a bite to eat!
Join us for the 2nd Annual Night at ECA Museum on Tuesday, February 28 from 6:00PM - 7:30PM!
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Open Gym Volleyball sessions for incoming Junior High & High School girls!
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Open Gym Volleyball sessions for incoming Junior High & High School girls!
Attend this informational meeting on Thursday, March 6th at 6:00PM at the Clark County ESC Auditorium.
On Jeans & Joggers Day, students can pay $1 to wear jeans or $2 to wear their ECA joggers and wear this year's ECA Spirit Shirt.
The Mandatory Spring Sports Meeting for each athlete and parent will be held on Monday, March 3rd at 6:00PM in the gym.
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Open Gym Volleyball sessions for incoming Junior High & High School girls!
Join Anya (Mina Brown), Dmitry (Treyvon Hepp), and Vlad (Tanner Nixon) as they travel from the grandiuer of Russia to the excitement of Paris and escape the dangerous officer Gleb (Gabe Amos), all while finding their own identity!
Join Anya (Mina Brown), Dmitry (Treyvon Hepp), and Vlad (Tanner Nixon) as they travel from the grandiuer of Russia to the excitement of Paris and escape the dangerous officer Gleb (Gabe Amos), all while finding their own identity!
It's that time of year again! The Elementary Yearbook is in need of CREATIVE front and back covers. Please see the guidelines below and click the button to download the instructions! All drawings are due to Mrs. Jones or Mrs. McAdams by Friday, February 28th.
Join Anya (Mina Brown), Dmitry (Treyvon Hepp), and Vlad (Tanner Nixon) as they travel from the grandiuer of Russia to the excitement of Paris and escape the dangerous officer Gleb (Gabe Amos), all while finding their own identity!
Parents of Current 8th Grade Students: In a few short months, your student will be a Freshman! As you begin to navigate all the changes that will be taking place next year, we would like to help! On Tuesday, February 25th at 6:30PM - 7:30PM via Google Meet, we will have a Welcome to High School Meeting!
Rudy’s Smokehouse is having a Giveback Day for Emmanuel Christian where 50% of all purchases will be given back! Just show the picture above at checkout!
The next ECA Athletic Boosters meeting will be Wednesday, February 19th at 6:00PM in the Conference Room. We would love to have additional parents, grandparents, graduates, etc. join us for one of our monthly meetings!
On Jeans & Joggers Day, students can pay $1 to wear jeans or $2 to wear their ECA joggers and wear this year's ECA Spirit Shirt.
School is closed on Monday, February 17th for President’s Day. Enjoy the long weekend!
Parents of Current 8th Grade Students: In a few short months, your student will be a Freshman! As you begin to navigate all the changes that will be taking place next year, we would like to help! On Tuesday, February 25th at 6:30PM - 7:30PM via Google Meet, we will have a Welcome to High School Meeting!
Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, February 11th and Thursday, February 13th from 3:15PM - 7:00PM. Please see below for links to sign up for conferences with your child’s teachers.
Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, February 11th and Thursday, February 13th from 3:15PM - 7:00PM. Please see below for links to sign up for conferences with your child’s teachers.
On Jeans & Joggers Day, students can pay $1 to wear jeans or $2 to wear their ECA joggers and wear this year's ECA Spirit Shirt.