state tax benefits…

Taxpayers have a cost-free way to make a significant contribution to the students at Emmanuel Christian Academy.


Example: $750 Donation = $750 Tax Credit!

Thanks to Ohio’s state tax credit, individuals who contribute to The Way They Should Go Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO) can receive a dollar-for-dollar state tax credit for any amount up to $750 per individual when you file your Ohio taxes for the year in which you make your gift. A married couple filing jointly can make two gifts and claim a credit of up to $1500**.

To receive the full tax credit, you must have an Ohio personal tax liability equal to or greater than the amount of the credit. The non-refundable credit cannot be carried forward. You will receive a confirmation letter for when you file your tax return. Keep your records to upload or attach to your return.

When you designate your gift to The Way They Should Go Fund, you are helping to provide scholarships for students to attend Emmanuel Christian Academy.

**Please consult your Tax Consultant if you have any questions.


Scholarship Granting Organization Certification

List of Certified Scholarship Granting Organizations

Ohio Revised Code

Or make a check payable to The Way They Should Go Fund and drop it off at the school office, or mail to Emmanuel Christian Academy, 2177 Emmanuel Way, Springfield, OH 45502.