This page is designed to house school-wide communication from our school administrators. We will also continue to email our families, use OneCall, and share updates on our Facebook page as well!
This past year we surveyed parents, students and staff and made several changes to our dress code to make it easier for parents and students to navigate.
In April, our students in grades 3 - 11 will again be participating in the state of Ohio testing program. With the exception of 3rd grade, all tests will be administered online. Continue reading for details pertaining to testing and how you can help your child achieve success!
In the wake of today’s heartbreaking events, our thoughts and prayers are with each and every member of the Northwestern Family. We share in the pain and sorrow that has touched our community. It is with heavy hearts that we reach out to you today.
This is a summary of clarifications and updates made to the Elementary and Secondary Student Handbooks for the 2023/2024 school year.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee. We know that these incidents may cause anxiety and panic with some of our own families. We will be reviewing the incident in Tennessee as more details are released so that we can continue to provide a safer atmosphere at Emmanuel for our students, teachers and staff. At our latest Professional Development day on March 17, our staff and teachers participated in an active
In April, our students in grades 3 - 11 will again be participating in the state of Ohio testing program. With the exception of 3rd grade, all tests will be administered online. Continue reading for details pertaining to testing and how you can help your child achieve success!
We would like to express our sincere appreciation for a wonderful start back to school after Christmas break. We hope that each of you had some time with your family and an opportunity to reboot for 2023! The purpose of this communication is to cover some upcoming needs and highlights as we dig into the second semester.
This month, your child will be taking the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment. These assessments measure your child’s instructional level and academic growth in the areas of Mathematics, Reading and Language Usage. Full details below
During the 2019-2020 school year, the teachers and administration revised the usual exam structure for the second semester. Because of COVID, this will be the first year of its implementation. Below is a description of the new model. This description can also be found in the Secondary Handbook.
In April, our students in grades 3 - 11 will again be participating in the state of Ohio testing program. With the exception of 3rd grade, all tests will be administered online. Continue reading for details pertaining to testing and how you can help your child achieve success!
We have a very high rate of illness and contact tracing at the Junior High and High School levels. For this reason, 7th through 12th Grade students ONLY will be remote learning TOMORROW, January 13th and Friday, January 14th.
Teachers and staff are back in the building today preparing for the return of our students on Wednesday, January 5th. We are truly excited to watch our students come back through the doors!
Our administration team will continue to evaluate our school and collaborate with the Clark County Health Department to make decisions that are in line with Clark County and the State of Ohio. Below are the current COVID-19 protocols we are implementing.
We are thankful for the completion of our first semester. We appreciate our teachers, staff and Emmanuel families for enduring the hardships and obstacles that came into the picture during this first semester.
New guidance has been released by the Ohio Department of Health that continues to provide us with an opportunity to keep students in school.
Click this link to see the new “Mask to Stay/Test to Play Option” and to become familiar with the new protocols.
We have reached the end of a quick first quarter and are headed into the second half of the first semester. We have several important pieces of information in this communication. Please reference The Week Ahead HERE for upcoming events and other announcements.
We want to thank you for your support and prayers as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 challenges. We look forward to the return of the first, third and fourth grades that have been remote this past week.
We appreciate your continued cooperation with the COVID-19 protocols. We are evaluating the situation daily. Amanda Byrd (School RN) is doing an excellent job managing the many variables presented. This message contains a few important dates and new protocols that begin Monday, September 13, 2021.
Connect With Other Emmanuel Families: Give permission and fill out a short informational survey
ECA families, please take this survey so we know how to better support you
Click HERE *Also special plans to continue internet after 60 days
Click for your Remote Learning Resource Guide
Click to access the Remote Learning YouTube Video (4 minutes long)
(K - 8). 75+ streaming videos with character topics and fitness exercises (PBIS, SEL, STEAM, etc.). Register at BoosterthonCharacter.com using Access Code: AtHome
Create your private account and start watching right away. Download RightNow Media for your smart phone, tablet, Apple TV, Roku or Amazon Fire TV. Text: Rightnow ECAOH to 41411
Click to access Khan Academy - Remote learning services for students and parents
Click to access Tynker for Home Learning How to Code