ESM Week is a designated time for our 7th - 12th grade students to choose and participate in various opportunities to "Enrich", "Serve" or be involved with "Ministry" as a means of enhancing the student's exposure to service and following God's call for their lives.
Building opportunities outside of our school building during the course of an academic year gives students a chance to see outside of their own world while reflecting and praying about God’s leading in their lives.
Students choosing Arts and Service will experience a week of activities in the area that includes service opportunities with Lifeline Christian Mission, Good Samaritan Outreach and a service project in the theater department at Emmanuel. They will also take in a Hispanic Ballet Show and theatre tour and workshop at Cedarville University!
At Butler Springs Camp, ECA students will serve along the staff to prepare the camp for their summer camp programs, and will enjoy fantastic cuisine and fun outdoor activities throughout the week!
ECA students also have the opportunity to partake in an Internship experience by working alongside professionals in our student's career interests. Through interview questions and time spent observing, students will be able to understand the type of training involved, the time needed before entering a career, and the starting salary in that career.
A Culinary Class is being held where students will work on several aspects of preparing the culinary experience. Students will work with a budget/shopping list and shop at grocery stores for unique ingredients. They will also learn to prepare food daily, along with learning table and eating etiquette.
SGA Members will go on a one-day leadership retreat and take part in some service projects at the school. During this time they will also be planning and scheduling activities for the next school year.
Junior High students will be taking part in an in-house ESM Olympics week! Students will be divided into teams from different countries and will earn points throughout the week for their team. There will Olympic-themed activities and project for each core class of English, math, science and social studies, as well as other competitions throughout the week. Friday will see a "Breakfast of Champions" team sports competitions and closing ceremonies.