It's Parent Teacher Conference Time!
Parent Teacher Conferences are being scheduled for Tuesday, October 27th and Tuesday, November 3rd from 11:00AM - 7:00PM. See below for information on how to schedule your conferences.
Elementary Students:
You will hear from your grade level teacher to set up conferences. Check your student's take home folder for more information
4th - 12th Grade Students:
If your child has a "Specials" class with one of the below teachers (i.e., Spanish, band, etc.), be sure to schedule your conference using the below links.
7th - 9th Grade Students:
Please schedule your conferences by clicking HERE.
Your conference will be with Mr. Bostater (Bible), Mr. Spiegel (English), Mr. Noel (History), Ms. Snyder (Science), and your student's math teacher.
10th - 12th Grade Students:
Please select the relevant teacher below to schedule your conference.
Hannah Agee: 10th - 12th Grade English
Amy Allen: Choir/Elementary Music
Janny Augustus: High School Spanish
Rachel Baldauff: Algebra I and High School Chemistry
Brad Barnard: 10th - 12th Grade Mathematics
Cassandra Clark: Elementary Art, 5th/6th Life Guidance, Junior High Computer
Andrew Collins: Band/Elementary Music
Chris Lundquist: High School Social Studies
Aaron Lynn: 10th - 12th Grade Bible
Mitch Meisner: PE
Jon Mercer: Geometry and Consumer Math
Kerry Wagner: 10th - 12th Grade Science
Please email the following teachers/administrator to schedule an appointment:
Emma Miller: Junior High/High School Art -
Angela Wenger: Yearbook -
Col. Bernie Willis: Embry-Riddle College Courses -
Alicia Kidder:
Dan Moore: