2023/2024 Student Handbook Updates — Emmanuel

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2023/2024 Student Handbook Updates

General updates to elementary & secondary handbooks


FRIDAYS: “Hold Fast” spirit t-shirt with jeans can be worn. The purpose is to promote the school theme “Hold Fast to Hope” and promote school spirit. No other ECA shirts are to be worn until January. In January, we permit any ECA shirt with jeans on Friday.

WEDNESDAY FUNDRAISING DAYS: Indicated on the school calendar with a small purple box. The first Wednesday Fundraising Day is August 30. Fundraising days are permitted to help raise money for various groups and student driven initiatives in the school. Students may wear jeans for $1 or joggers for $2 with ECA outerwear, or follow the “theme” associated with the Fundraising day. Non-ECA shirts are NOT permitted on Wednesday fundraising days unless they follow the theme announced (favorite team, Christmas shirts, etc.)


Tuition and Fees are managed by the Business Office.

  • Parties responsible for student tuition, fees, and all financial arrangements must be in good standing with the business office by having no past due financial obligations.

Past Due Accounts and Extracurriculars

  • Payments must first go towards resolving past due balances before being applied toward extracurriculars, such as athletic fees, mission trips, ECA trips, tech fees, etc.

food and drinks in the classroom

Water is permitted in the classrooms. No other drinks are permitted except by special permission. Snacks may be permitted by the teacher’s permission only. Teachers are responsible for granting permission and ensuring their rooms are kept clean. There will be no food or drinks (except water) in the hallways.


dress code clarification

Hair: Must be neat, clean, and not distracting to the educational process/environment. Colored braids and ribbons are permitted. Single color dye streaks are permitted

grading policy for grades 3-6

  • Teachers will generally post two or three grades per week.

  • Daily work = 20 percent (“Daily Work” may include class work, participation and homework grades.)

  • Quiz or quiz equivalent = 35 percent

  • Test or test equivalent = 45 percent

  • Progress reports will be distributed to give a snapshot of grades halfway through the grading period via email. Printed copied may be available upon request. Parents are able to obtain grading information at any time via ParentsWeb.

  • RenWeb grades and homework assignments will be updated weekly. Become familiar with the RenWeb program and use this information to stay on top of your child’s education. If you need assistance, please contact the main office.

late assignment policy

The consequences for late work in grades 3rd through 4th are as follows:

1 day late = 10% off
2 days late = 20% off
3 days late = 30% off
4 days late = 40% off
5-10 day late = 50% off
11 or more days late = 0%

The students will still be expected to complete the assignment because there are learning objectives to be practiced and/or mastered with each assignment. Also, students handing in late work need to realize that there are consequences for missing deadlines. Credit will be given at the teacher’s discretion.

The consequences for late work in grades 5th through 6th are as follows:

1 day late = 10% off
2 days late = 20% off
3 days late = 30% off
4 days late = 40% off
5 days late = 50% off
6 days late = 0%

secondary clarifications/changes


  • Any CCP students that are able to attend chapel when it does not conflict with their CCP schedule are expected to do so.

Cell phone devices/clarifications

  • Students may be given permissions by the teacher

    • For music

    • For “Duo” authentication

    • Other purpose as permitted by the teacher

  • No cell phone use in hallways including music and ear buds

    • Students will be asked to remove immediately. Students who are caught multiple times will have the ear buds taken to the school office to be picked up at the end of the school day.

    • Electronic devices may not be taken into the bathroom for use. All discipline rules apply for usage in the bathroom


  • No pictures of videos may be taken of other students unless given permission.

  • Pictures or videos taken on extra curricular trips are subject to ECA rules and guidelines

  • Pictures or videos posted must follow social media guidelines.


Why do students take exams?

Our intent is to produce lifelong learners. Exams help students understand that real learning is now momentary, but lasting. By requiring students to sit exams, we help them develop last knowledge rather than merely cramming for unit tests. Studying for exams helps students draw connections between various units so they can appreciate the broad themes within each course. Additionally, student success will require the development of critical executive functioning skills, including time management, discipline, focus under pressure, decision making, and study skills.

Why do teachers give exams?

Our intent is produce lifelong learners. Well-designed exams require teachers to shape course structure to promote enduring understanding. They also help teachers measure the strengths and weaknesses of individual students, and evaluate their curriculum and teaching methods.

Why include Junior High students in exams?

The objective of any grade level is to prepare for the one that follows. Junior High exams give teacheres the change to begin preparing students for exams they will take in high school. Teachers will take steps to help the younger students prepare and study. As the students advance, they will learn to take more responsibility for themselves.

Students should be prepared to:

  • Revisit earlier concepts and show connections across units of study

  • Apply skills from the entire semester to a cultminating scenario

  • Develop the skills of using a study guide, keeping important documents, and reviewing key ideas over a long period of time.


  • 3rd-6th Grade

    • Students take the required Ohio State Tests, for which the teachers help them study

  • 7th Grade

    • Teachers will create a comprehensive study guide and direct students on how to complete it.

    • If the exam is an essay or paper, teachers will guide students to develop and outline, create a draft, and edit their work.

  • 8th Grade

    • Teachers will create a partial study guide or topics list for students to complete more independently.

    • If the exam is an essay or papers, teachers will guide students to develop an outline, create a draft, and edit their work.

  • 9th - 10th Grades

    • Teachers may provide some study materials, but students are responsible to develop their own study guide and review independently.

  • 11th - 12th Grades

    • Students are expected to study independently for exams

Procedures and Policies Regarding Semester Exams and Capstone Assessments

All core academic classes will have semester examinations (first semester midterms and a second semester Capstone assessment). Exams will count towards 20% of the student’s semester grade, with each quarter counting as 40%. Exams may be a written test, but may also be a Capstone assignment or project. Exams will be thoughtfully and carefully designed to assess the entire semester.

  • First Semester Exams (7th - 12th Grades)

    • A student is not permitted to leave an exam period early. Students will remain in the classroom and must bring materials to study or a book to read if they finish early.

    • Students’ scores may be invalidated if they cause distractions during testing.

    • No visitors are permitted.

    • Please keep in mind that non-core classes will not have exams. Electives courses will not have an exam during exam days. However, elective teachers may assign final projects, tests, or similar assignments for their courses that occur before the formal examination times.

    • Students needing to reschedule an exam must make it up after the scheduled time. Exams will not be administered early.

  • Second Semester Capstone Assessments (7th - 12th Grades)

    • The Capstone assessment may be a project, presentations, or traditional exam. The assessment will be determined by the classroom teacher.

    • If there is an Ohio State test associated with a class, there will be no Capstone assessment in that class. Ohio State tests will count as an exam for that semester but will not be included in semester averages.

      • Ohio State tests include 7th Grade ELA and Math, 8thth ELA, Math and Science, Algebra I, Geometry, 10th Grade ELA, Biology, American History, and American Government.

    • Please keep in mind that non-core classes will not have a Capstone assessment as an exam grade. However, elective teachers may assign final projects, tests or similar assignments for their course at the end of the second semester.

    • Capstone assessments will be completed during the last few days of school. The building will run on a normal, eight-period schedule.

    • Seniors will not complete a Capstone assessment

    • Classes with no exam/testing of any kind at the end of the year will finish the year with normal testing/assessments.

  • Attendance/Late Arrival/Early Dismissal (First Semester Only)

    • With parental permission, students will be excused to leave during exam times for which they are not enrolled. For example, if a student is not enrolled in a foreign language, then they will not be required to be in the school during that exam time.

    • If a student has no more exams on an exam day, a parent may allow the student to leave campus for the remainder of the school day following his/her exams. Completion of the Late Arrival/Early Dismissal Form (available in the front office) will be needed particularly when families are making different travel arrangements for their students. Otherwise, a parent may sign their student out following the exam period.

homework and late work policy

Work completed by students is a valuable, integral part of the learning process. Therefore, it is necessary for students to complete this work in or sometimes outside of class time. Students who do not complete their work on time will be penalized. Students are expected to complete their assignment whether credit will be earned or not as there are learning objectives to be practiced and/or mastered with each assignment.

7th - 8th Grade Policy:
1 day late = 25% taken off
2 days late = 50% taken off
3 day late = 0%

8th grade students who take a high school level course will follow the 9th - 12th grade policy for the high school course. All other 8th grade courses will follow the 7th - 8th grade policy.

9th - 12th Grade Policy
1 day late - 50% taken off

The following can be considered plagarism:

  • Copying and pasting from another source

  • Copying verbatim without the use of quotes and sourcing

  • Supplying incorrect information about a source or withholding a source

  • Changing a few words but keeping the same sentence structure of phrasing

  • Majoring of your work is from the source using quotation marks

  • Using images, videos or copyrighted material

  • Using Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT or other) to complete course assignments. Assignments will be check with AI monitoring programs and software.

Sport Participation Fees
Each sport offered by ECA carries a $125 participation fee. (previously $120)