School Closure Day Update

Weather Updates

We have used our allotted hours for complete closure days for 7th - 12th grade. The following plan will be used in regard to weather or other concerns that would cause delay or closure:

  • Utilize a 2 hour delay as needed (we have hours still allotted for delays)

 If closure is needed:

  • 7th - 12th grade will operate on a regular bell schedule - "REMOTE Learning"

  • TK - 6th grade will be closed and off for the day

 If we delay and then close:

  • 7th - 12th grade will operate on a 2 hour delay schedule - "REMOTE Learning"

  • TK - 6th grades will be closed and off for the day

 We will operate this way until we need to make additional adjustments. We will still do our best to warn you the night before or as soon as we are able to do so.