Dear Emmanuel Family,
We have now reached the end of the first semester. It has been uplifting to have our younger grades back in the building this past week. The laughter, smiles, Christmas outfits and excitement of the season reminds us of our God who is bigger than all of the challenges we face. As we enjoy the holiday season, enjoy Jesus! Dedicate some time to be alone with our Lord and Savior. Reflect upon His faithfulness and reflect upon His great love for you. “Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever.” Psalm 136:26
Please note that the office will be closed during Christmas break, but if there is an urgent need that pertains to the front office, please email and she will gladly assist you.
When we return on Monday, January 4th, please CLICK HERE to see the return to school plan. One adjustment that was made for the schedule is for the TK - 4th grade level.
The first week, students will return to school for the complete week. Starting Wednesday, January 13 and through the end of February, we will be dismissing TK - 4th Grade at NOON on Wednesdays. The purpose of this change is to help our teachers be more effective with their planning, development and assessment. Given the changes that this year has brought, teachers have worked diligently to overcome obstacles, work with new technology and develop enhanced methods for dealing with dual modality student situations.
Grades 5th - 12th will come back to school on January 4th in “Hybrid Mode” in either Group A or Group B. These groups are explained below in the Return to School Plan. The 5th and 6th grade have already received their assignments. 7th - 12th grade will receive their assignments by Monday, December 21. Group A and Group B assignments have been made to match families as well as to keep our classrooms as distanced as possible.
In our Hybrid Model, Wednesday is a “workday” for students to work remotely and teachers will be available for help. Chapel has now been switched to Wednesday for all grade levels. Our goal is to re-evaluation this plan on or around January 22 for planning purposes for February and moving forward. We will continue to communicate with you and always welcome your questions. We understand that some of these changes might be a hardship for some families. Please communicate4 with John Essig ( or Dan Moore ( if there is some way we can help or if you have questions.
Merry Christmas!
Dan Moore, Building Principal
John Essig, Superintendent