Administration Communication 12/04/2020

Dear ECA Family,

We thank you for the feedback and encouraging words. We are still working through surveys to answer any individual questions that may need to be addressed. If there is anything that we do not address below to which you are looking for an answer, please contact a member of administration via phone or email and we will respond.

Emmanuel Christian has always been a unique and special place. We are family, and we certainly realize that just as in every family, there are different needs and many considerations through which we have to work. The one common thread for the ECA family is the desire to educate in our wonderful building and that continues to be our goal.

The need for collaboration in order to make all of this come together was apparent. We want to thank our parents for your attention and quick action to the surveys. We especially appreciate our teachers and staff. They continue to work hard to best educate your student. Although we have spent additional hours this year in training for these new educational scenarios, this is a difficult time for educators. We all believe we are “called” to serve our students and families.

We do want to make clear that we understand that not every situation is ideal to finish off this semester, and then head into next semester. There was much though put into the best plan for these scenarios. A high priority was to get the TK - 4th grade students back in the building. Secondly, we developed a plan that would get the remainder of our elementary students (5th/6th graders) into the building at least several days a week to be “Hybrid”, while also offering “synchronous streaming” for those who are working remotely. We also developed a plan that would include our students on individual education plans to be in the building every day except Wednesday. Finally, we decided to finish the semester with 7th - 12th Grade remotely, in order to provide some academic continuity and to reduce potential contact tracing lists.

These decisions were made primarily due to the impact of contact tracing. At one point, we had over 80 individuals who were either in isolation or quarantine. With Christmas break drawing near, we did not want to compromise family travel plans, but we also wanted to consider the needs of our teachers, staff and their families.

Moving forward, you will find below a solid plan and structure. This will enable you to reliably make plans for your family and work schedules. Here is a brief summary:

  • We have a plan to finish this semester

  • We have made adjustments to band, choir, the school musical and athletics. We are supporting “Parent/Student Choice” for these activities. Teachers, advisers and coaches will continue to communicate with those involved.

  • We have a plan for January 4th - 29th for return to school after Christmas break

    • We believe staying on this plan for a full month helps families plan as well as teacher and student continuity

  • The January plan will be evaluated in light of Clark County health conditions at the time, in order to announce February 1 school plans:

    • This may include a complete return to school for all grades TK - 12

    • This option will still permit families to choose the remote option

Dan Moore, Building Principal
John Essig, Superintendent