Building & Learning Plan: Next Phase Communication
Administration Communication 1/22/2021
Happy New Year! Welcome Back Reminders
Administration Communication 12/18/2020
Building & Learning Plan Through January 29, 2021
Administration Communication 12/04/2020
Important Communication and Survey 12/1/2020
Dear ECA Families.
After several teacher meetings, parent and teacher surveys, and collaborative evaluations, we believe the following to be our best model for the remainder of the semester.
Please fill out this survey by Wednesday, December 2 at 9:00PM:
TK - 4th Grade back in the building and on a regular school schedule
Room and class sizes as well as clear seating arrangements which carry throughout the day allows us to return these students. Additional safety and distancing measures have been implemented to help with contract tracing.
A hybrid model was determined not be an option for this age group.
Parents may still choose “Remote Learning” as an alternative to finish the semester
Quarantine issues will be determined as necessary by CLASS within the guidelines of contact tracing to keep each grade level in session as we are able.
5th and 6th Grade
Parents may choose either remote or hybrid to finish out the semester
Assignments will be provided by this weekend after our Hybrid Task Force finishes the splits
7th - 12th Grade
7th - 12th Grade will finish the semester remotely and will return to school on January 4, 2021 to a “Hybrid” model for at least the first two weeks of the 3rd quarter.
Remote learning for the last two weeks of the semester will be a standard school day with 8 periods starting at 8:00AM and ending at 3:10PM
The Hybrid Task Force will work on the splitting families and students for January
Teaching staff as well as substitute teachers will continue to be a challenge for every school district in Clark County (see article below). Emmanuel’s stance is that we would always prefer the traditional learning model of having our students in the building. Yet, we must be responsible and provide an environment that is as safe as possible for our students, their families, as well as our teachers and their families.
Please know that we continue to pray, discuss with our staff and other school districts, as well as with our local health department to work through the best options for our ECA family.
Dan Moore, Building Principal
John Essig, Superintendent
*Fill out this survey no later than Wednesday at 9:00 PM:
Go to and scroll down the landing page to see our COVID-19 stats